1st puc computer science question papers with answers

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1 puc computer science question bank with answers pdf

District level I PUC Annual Examination Feb – Mar – 2014

3 hrs 15 mins  sub: COMPUTER SCIENCE (41) max. marks: 70


i)            Answer all the following questions.         10 x 1= 10

ii)          Each question carries ONE mark.


1)     Who is called as father of Computer?

Ans: Charles Babbage is called as father of Computer.


2)     What does mouse stand for?

Ans: Mechanically Operated User Serial Engine.


3)     Define coding.

Ans: writing actual program in any programming language is called coding.


4)     What is an identifier?

Ans: identifier is a name given to the programming elements such as variable, array, function etc.


5)     Give the header file that holds setw() and endl.

Ans: <iomanip.h>


6)     Define the term looping.

Ans: looping is a process of repeatedly executing certain set of instructions until certain condition is satisfied.


7)     Give the syntax of one-dimensional array.

Ans: data_type array_name [size];


8)     What does the keyword void represent?

Ans: keyword void specifies nothing.

9)     What is a header in MS-Word?

Ans: header is used to maintain the consistency of the document.


10)  How to include a formula in a worksheet?

Ans: begin typing “=” followed by name of the formula.



i)            Answer any FIVE of the following questions.     5 x 2 = 10

ii)          Each question carries TWO marks.


           11)              Explain the role of computer in education.

Ans: the computers are implemented in the schools for the creation of school ID card, which contains the details of the student. The creation of marks card, attendance, learning the subject with audio and video and fees collection so on.


           12)              Give the different types of ROM.



          13)              Differentiate between interpreter and compiler.




1.   Interpreter converts source program into object code line by line.

1.   Compiler converts whole source program into object code at a time.

2.   Interpreter is slower.

2.   Compiler is faster.

3.   Interpreter takes less amount of memory.

3.   Compiler takes more amount of memory.


         14)              What are the different characteristics of an algorithm?

Ans: input, definite, effective, terminate, output.

15)              Mention any two applications of OOP.

Ans: - object oriented databases.

                     -      Hypermedia, expert text and hypertext.

                     -      Artificial intelligence and expert systems.

                     -      Decision support systems and office automation systems.

                     -      Parallel programming and neural nrtworks.

                     -      CAD, CAM, CIM systems.

                     -      Simulation and modeling.


             16)              What are the simple data types of C++?

Ans: int ,char, float, double and void are the simple data types of C++.


             17)              Mention any two character manipulation functions.

Ans: isalpha(), isdigit(), isalnum(), isupper(), islower().


             18)              Give any two advantages of Word processors.

Ans: advantages of word processor

             -      Word processors are used to write application letter, appointment order, resignation letter,                        memos etc.

             -      Word processors are used to represent the statistical data in a graphical representation in the                    form of charts.



i)            Answer any FIVE of the following questions.     5 x 3 = 15

ii)          Each question carries THREE marks.


           19)              Give the applications of OCR.

Ans: - OCR permits the direct reading of any printed character without any special ink.

             -      With OCR, a user can scan a page from a book.

             -      The computer will recognize the characters in the page as letters and punctuation marks, and                  stores. This can be edited using a word processor.

           20)              Mention the features of UNIX operating system.

Ans: - portability.

             -      Multiuser and multitasking support.

             -      Hierarchical file organization.

             -      Machine independent.

             -      Excellent tools mad tool-building utilities.


           21)              Define sequence, selection and iteration programming constructs.

Ans: sequence: in a sequential construct, the program statements are executed one after another, in a sequence.

Selection: it is also known as conditional construct. This structure helps the programmer to take appropriate decision. The decision or selection is normally expressed as a condition.

Iteration: the process of repeated execution of a sequence of statements until some condition is satisfied is called as iteration or repetition or loop.


           22)              Write an algorithm to find the largest of three numbers.

Ans: step 1: START

Step 2: [read three numbers]

 INPUT a,b,c

Step 3: [assign a to large]


Step 4:[compare large and b]



end if

step 5: [compare large and c]




step 6: [print the largest number]

OUTPUT large

Step 7: [end of algorithm]



          23)              Mention the types of constants of C++.

Ans: - integer constants

o   decimal constants

o   octal constants

o   hexadecimal constants

o   unsigned constants

                    -      floating point constants

                    -      character constants

                    -      string constants


              24)              Explain the input, output operators in C++.

Ans: input operator “>>”

Input in C++ is done by using stream extraction (>>) on the cin stream. The operator must be followed by the variable that will store the data is going to be extracted from the stream.


Ex: int age;


the first statement in example declares the variable of type int called age, and the second one waits for an input from cin in order to store it in this integer variable. cin stands for console input.

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1 puc computer science question bank with answers pdf

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