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Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Computers

Chapter 2 Input Output and Memory devices

Chapter 3 Data Representative

Chapter 4 Software Concepts

Chapter 5 Problem Solving Methodology

Chapter 6 Object Oriented Concepts

Chapter 7 Introduction to C++

Chapter 8 Data Types

Chapter 9 Input Output Operators

Chapter 10 Control Statements

Chapter 11 Arrays

Chapter 12 Functions (Library Functions)

Chapter 13 User Defined Functions

Chapter 14 Structures

Chapter 15 Word Processing

Chapter 16 Spreadsheets

Chapter 17 Web Designing

1st puc computer science important questions chapter wise

Chapter 1

Fundamentals of computers


One-mark questions


        1)   Who is called as father of Computer? (feb 2014) or Who is father of computer? (feb 2015) or Who is the father of computer? (feb 2018)

Ans: Charles Babbage is called as father of Computer.


        2)   What is data?

Ans: data is a raw facts, figures and statistics that is to be processed.


        3)   What is a computer? (feb 2016)

Ans: Computer is an electronic device used to receive, process and store the data in memory.


        4)   What is information?

Ans: the computer processed data is called information.


        5)   Which is the first computational tool? (feb 2017)

Ans: Abacus was the first computational tool.


        6)   What is software?

Ans: software refers to the instructions or programs that tell the hardware what to do.


        7)   Who invented Pascaline? (feb 2019)

Ans: Blaise Pascal


        8)   Name the first read only memory device.

Ans: Jacquard’s Loom was the first read only memory.


           9)   Give an example for first generation computer. (feb 2020)


10) Name the first programmer.

Ans: Lady Ada Lovelace was the first programmer.

     11)  Expand ENIAC.

Ans: Electrical numerical Integrator and Computer.

12)  Expand EDVAC.

Ans: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer.

13)  Expand UNIVAC.

Ans: UNIVersal Automatic Computer.


     Two marks questions


          1)   Explain the role of computer in education. (feb 2014) or Explain the role of computers in  

               education. (feb 2016) or Explain the role of computers in education. (feb 2018)


Ans: the computers are implemented in the schools for the creation of school ID card, which contains the details of the student. The creation of marks card, attendance, learning the subject with audio and video and fees collection so on.


          2)   Write the types of software.

Ans: there are two types of software,

            -      Application software

            -      System software.


           3)   Explain hybrid computer. (feb 2015)

Ans: a hybrid computer is a combination of desirable features of analog and digital computers. Now-a-days analog to digital and digital-to-analog converters are used for transforming the data into suitable form for either type of computation.

For example, in hospital’s automated intensive care unit, analog devices might measure the patient’s temperature, blood pressure and other vital signs. These measurements which are in analog might then be converted into numbers and supplied to digital components in the system.


         4)   Write the classification of computers based on the principles of operation.

Ans: there are three types of computers based on the principles of operation,

-                Analog computer.

-               Digital computer.

-               Hybrid computer.


         5)   Write any two features of first generation of computers. (feb 2017)

Ans: - the first generation of computers used vacuum tubes for switching circuits and magnetic drums for memory.

-                 First generation computers operated only on machine language.

-                 Input was based on punched cards, paper tapes and output was obtained as printout.

-                First generation computers could solve only one problem at a time.


         6)   Write the classification of computers based on configuration.

Ans: there are four types of computers based on configuration,

-                 Micro computers.

-                 Mini computers.

-                 Mainframe computers.

-                Super computers.


         7)   Which are the basic components used in first generation and second generation computers?      (feb 2019)

Ans: first generation computers used Vacuum tubes and

Second generation computers used transistors


          8)   Give any two applications of computers on banks. (feb 2020)

Ans: - the computers are used to create account in bank.

            -      Computers are used in online banking.

            -      Computers are used for transactions, transfer of funds, alert messages, transaction messages etc.


       Five marks questions


         1.   Discuss the characteristics of a computer in detail. (feb 2014) or Explain any five 

           characteristics of computers. (feb 2018) or Explain any five characteristics of computer. (feb 


Ans: - speed: electrical pulses travel at incredible speeds, because the computer is an electronic machine, its internal speed is virtually instantaneous. We do not talk in terms of seconds or milliseconds. Our units of speed are the microsecond, the nano second and even the picosecond. A powerful computer is capable of adding together two 18 digits number in 300 to 400 nano seconds.

            -      Memory: as a human acquires new knowledge, the brain subconsciously selects what it feels to        be important and worth retaining in its memory, and deletes unimportant details to the back of mind        or just forgets them. Similarly in computers, the primary memory RAM is used to store the data              temporarily.


            -      Storage: after processing the data and information must be stored in the secondary storage               device, so that the data or information can be used later. The data and information can be stored             permanently in secondary storage devices. The computer memory is measured using BITS and               Bytes.


            -      Accuracy: the computer generated results are exact and without any mistakes with high rate of          consistency.


            -      Versatility: computers seem capable of performing almost any task, provided that the task can          be reduced to series of logical steps.


            -      Automation: one a program is in the computer’s memory, the individual instructions are then           transferred, one after the other to the control unit for execution. The processor/ CPU follows these         instructions until it meets a last instruction.


            -      Diligence: being a machine, a computer does not suffer from the human traits of tiredness and            lack of concentration. For example, if 3 million calculations have to be performed, it will perform          the 3 millionth will exactly the same accuracy and speed as the first.


           -      Cost effectiveness: computers reduce the amount of paper work and human effort, thereby                 reducing costs.


            2) Describe the generations of computers.


First generation – 1940 – 1956: Vacuum Tubes

             -      The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes for switching circuits and magnetic drums        for memory.

             -      They were large in size occupied a lot of space and produces an enormous amount of heat.

             -      They were expensive to operate and consumed large amount of electricity.

             -      Most of the times the heat is generated caused the computer to malfunction.

             -      First generation computers operated only on machine language.

             -      Input was based on punched cards, paper tapes and output was obtained as print out.

             -      First generation computers could solve only one problem at a time.


          Second generation – 1956 – 1963: Transistors

             -      In second generation computers, the vacuum tubes being replaced by transistors.

             -      The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become smaller,                      faster, economical, energy efficient and more reliable.

             -      The transistors also generated considerable heat that sometimes caused the computer to                            malfunction.

             -      Second generation computers used punched cards and for input and printouts for output.

             -      Second generation computers moved from the use of machine language to assembly language.

             -      High level languages were also being developed at this time, such as early versions of COBOL                and FORTRAN.

             -      Second generation computers moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.


           Third generation – 1964 – 1971: Integrated Circuits:

             -      Transistors were made smaller in size and placed into silicon chips, which dramatically                            increased the speed and efficiency of computers.

             -      Keyboards and monitors were used instead of punched cards and printouts.

             -      The computers were interfaced with an operating system which allowed to solve many                            problems at a time.

             -      Some of the LSIC’s and VLSIC’s were used.


Fourth generation – 1971 – present: Microprocessors:

              -      Thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip.

              -      As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form                           network, which eventually led to the development of the internet.


Fifth generation – present and beyond: Artificial Intelligence (ROBOTICS)

               -      Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in their                                 developmental stage.

               -      Fifth generation computers will come close to bridge the gap between computing and thinking.

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1st puc computer science important questions chapter wise

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